Have you made New Year resolutions? I felt so crummy over the holidays that the only resolution I could make was to get out of bed every morning. Not much of a goal but at least I did it. Now, though, due to a question Susan Heist asked, I’m wondering whether I should be just a bit more ambitious.
She is organizing her stash and has put it all on an app (kudos, Susan!) but wants to know what I physically do with my stash. I do have a stash apart from all the yarn at the store. It consists of discontinued yarns that I love, yarns that I love that didn’t sell even when they went in the sale closet, yarn that I love but was too weird or expensive to find a workable and affordable project for it and yarn that I love that I bought before the store and didn’t have a chance to knit up. Also a very few yarns that I don’t love but that are a good thing to have around in case you need a quick baby blanket for your hairdresser or a charity hat or mittens that must be warm and washable. Here is how I organize it:
Any questions? Think I could run a class on organizing your stash? Maybe present it at Stitches or Vogue Knitting Live? Maybe a TED talk?
If I didn’t know myself so well, I would resolve to organize this mess this year. But frankly, almost none of this stuff is getting knitted up while I have the store. There’s always a new yarn or a class that needs a model, and that’s what I’ll be working on. So I check on it periodically to make sure nothing creepy is going on, and I yum over it and dream of what I can make someday of this or that, but until that day, it’s going to stay in its bag or tote and wait.
I will make one resolution this year:
I hereby resolve to find a new place this year because even as I write, the crazy-for-festivals people on Penn Avenue have come up with something for this Saturday (the 20th), with ice sculptures and so on. Sound familiar? Any reason we have to have this two weeks after Reading had theirs? I’ll be open on Saturday and I hope to see you, but I will also secretly hope their sculptures melt and their beer is warm.