Well, it was one stinkin’ degree this morning when I woke up. Two hours later it has warmed right up to 4, so I guess I shouldn’t be complaining. I should be dancing around in a grass skirt and a basket of fruit on my head like Carmen Miranda and singing “We’re having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave…” (Let that little vignette settle into your mind for second. Okay, now banish it forever.)
So, with the snow and so on, we delayed the start of the Mermaid Sweater class to next week. With that and the fact that I was avoiding the news and all of reality for the last few days, I got a lot of knitting done. This nice big shawl has been on my mind for a long time. I’ve had the three colors of Sonata wound up and ready to go for months, but there is always a class model or a new yarn to make up. However, I’m caught up for now so I can do what I want. I started on Frosty Pines (how appropriate!) this week and I’ve gotten really far:

One more pattern repeat in the lime color, then finishing off with ribbing in the navy. It will be nice for spring in Sonata’s cotton and silk blend.
Karen finished her Graerup Vest class model, and it’s so beautiful!! You should have one! There are still spaces left for this class that starts mid-February, and we have a fabulous selection of Felted Tweed colors to choose from. Get familiar with stranded knitting and have a classic piece to show off your skills.

And now I’m going to be lazy for the rest of this post and show some customer projects:
Marilyn Denlinger made this cute little hoodie with a bottom ruffle for one of her granddaughters, who happens to love all things green.

Suzy Crump finished her Book Club Cardigan and it looks great!

And here is another of Suzy’s projects, her gorgeous Artus Shawl.

And Jeanne Gochenauer also finished her Book Club and came in for buttons and I bullied her into modeling it even though it hadn’t been blocked yet. Fits her perfectly!

Sue Smith crocheted this pretty tee from Modern Cotton. Lovely fit and drape.

Brrr, but the photo was taken while the weather was warm. As was this nice but not easy tee knit by Ann Alderman in one of her favorite colors:

Najma Iqbal fell in love with the colors of this yarn and just had to have this nice easy-fitting tee. The colors will warm you right up:

Amy Wall knit this cute cardy for a granddaughter who insisted on a rainbow sweater. Lots of color and the cute assortment of buttons just added the finishing touch:

Karen Fink loves a beret and did a good job with this classic:

Mary Ellen Leidy usually loves to knit with light blue but jumped right out of her box for this colorful and cozy cardigan:

Good job, everyone! Thanks for bringing in your projects and suffering through my crummy photography. It’s inspiring to see so many wonderful projects and to know such talented knitters!!