The Hardest Part of Writing a Blog…

1 Posted by - May 31, 2021 - Customer FO's, Knitting, New Projects

…is coming up with a title. This post, like so many of mine, doesn’t have a theme. I was going to do a long post about customer projects, but I think I’ll just mix them in here and there. Like these pretty shawls, finished from our Romi Spring 2021 Knit-along:

Here’s Diane Hershey’s (she was the first to finish!):

Hard to see in this photo, but the turquoise has splashes of the fuchsia in it, and it all looks wonderful together. Lovely job!

And here is Deb Hawk’s:

Beautifully coordinated and wonderfully executed!

Here is mine:

I like it better than I thought I would while I was knitting it. The Moonshine Fine (off-white) blocked out beautifully.

I’m starting to see (still via Zoom, unfortunately) some lovely fall yarns. In particular, Lang Yarns has some intriguing new items that look wonderful. I haven’t been able to get my hands on them yet, so I don’t know that I’ll buy them, but let’s just say that a yarn called Cashmere Dreams, a combination of brushed cashmere and silk, has been haunting my dreams.

This past year+ has been difficult. Life has been spare and isolated, normality has been disrupted, and everything has been a little bit threatening, forays into the world fraught with potential danger. When I got my first dose of the vaccine, I drove to the grocery store and sat in the parking lot and cried with relief and gratitude. Now that we’re reaching the threshold where masks can come off and we can gather again, I still feel grateful but I also feel the need for abundance, a bit of pampering, and some mild self-indulgence (that does not involve a bunch of excess calories!) So I’m not going to hesitate this fall to buy those luxury fibers and knit garments that cuddle and embrace, stroke and soothe. We need it!

What are you dreaming of for fall?

Meanwhile, I’m keeping myself entertained knitting a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I’m working on a baby blanket in Dreambaby Paintpot that will eventually (very eventually) look something like this:

It’s a great project to keep at the shop because you can put it down at any point and pick it back up without losing your place.

And this scarf – well, I just don’t know, I may hate it when it’s done, but it’s been very fun to knit – a new cast-on I’ve never tried, short rows and so on:

My colors are different and possibly ugly – we’ll find out! If it’s pretty, it may turn into a class. If it’s ugly, well, ya win some…