Ooh, It’s Like a Fairyland!

1 Posted by - February 3, 2021 - Knitting, New Projects, Sweaters

Are we over it? I thought so. Not gonna whine but there’s still a foot and a half of snow in my driveway and it’s going to take a week to shovel it out. Shovel, shovel, shovel, and I look around to find that I’ve cleared about a square yard. Oh, well, look at that, maybe I am going to whine just a bit.

My shovelin’ gear, drying out between bouts:

I’ve delayed Purl’s eye surgery, which is an hour’s drive away and will take several follow-up visits. I can’t have the possibility of not being able to get there hanging over us, especially if some complication develops after surgery. So that won’t interfere with the store being open just yet, but the snow will certainly keep us closed for today. I walked up to have a look and there’s no parking anywhere, and the walking is very hard going.

I’ve gotten some knitting done anyway. I showed you a bit of a piece I was making in Summer Sesame last time. That was from an old in-house pattern which had no picture accompanying it. I didn’t remember what it looked like, but from the instructions, I though it was a sleeveless open vest. It was, but not in a good way, which I found out by nearly finishing the whole thing. It had to go, so I ripped and decided to do our One-Piece Kimono instead. (At least I knew how that would turn out.) It’s coming along nicely:

…almost done, just a monstrous garter stitch band to finish. I’m going to love it, light and airy fabric with good drape and over-sized fit for a wear-everywhere summer cover-up.

After this, I’m going to knit something woolly. Snow really calls for a nice pile of wool in your lap, right? Have not decided what, but this crazy sweater from Knitty is tempting me.

Don’t let the colors put you off (there’s a story behind them if you read the pattern notes), the construction is just nuts – everything is done at the same time including sleeves!

Steeks are cut,

then sides and sleeves are sewn up and boom, boom, boom, you’re done! I’m really considering making it in Eco-Tweed, a wonderful Ella Rae yarn, and brought these colors home to contemplate while I finish the kimono.

They’ve been sitting on my coffee table, waving at me and blowing little kisses, but I’m playing hard to get.

Well, I’m off to uncover another square yard of driveway. Be safe, be careful!