What to Say?

1 Posted by - May 9, 2020 - Knitting, Purl & Jack, Shawls, Sweaters

It’s been such a long time since I posted anything. Believe me, it’s not because I don’t miss you all! It’s mostly because there’s almost nothing to write about. My isolation is the same as everyone else’s. Housework, yard work, knitting, TV, computer games, reading, walking the dog. I’m sure there are variations on a theme, but really, we’re marking time until things open up again.

And that’s a constant underlying anxiety with me: how will we be able to open again? What needs to change about how we do business to keep everyone safe and socially distant? There are many scenarios swimming around in the back of my brain, and some of them are developing legs. When one of them reaches dry land and walks out of the steamy soup of ideas, I’ll get to work on it.

Meanwhile, I have to confess, this life-style absolutely suits me. I’ve worked all my life and was never sure how I’d adapt to not having the structure of having to get up, get organized, and get out of the house every day. I’m happy to say I like it, although having Purl means I do have to get up at a regular time and get out of the house a few times a day. She misses you all, maybe even more than I do. She’s pretty fuzzy these days:

This is her “Why aren’t you more fun?” look. It’s also her “Where are all my friends?” look and her “Give me a treat!” look.

So I’ve been knitting, of course, although not as much as you might think. With the store closed, knitting has become optional as opposed to obligatory. I’ve made 3 sweaters since we closed, but have photos of only one. This is Seguin,

made in a nice organic cotton, and I love it except, as you can probably see, the armholes are way too deep. Because it’s bottom-up, there was no way to try it on and I just didn’t notice what was happening until everything was finished. I’m going to rip out the yoke and re-do, but haven’t mentally committed to that yet. That little center panel, which makes the sweater into an empire shape, took some concentration. My ability to focus needs a tune-up; it has deteriorated sadly during the last couple of months!

I’m working on a shawl from Stephen West, using all these pretty shades, half from my stash and half from the shop:

and this shows the first 3 sections of the shawl:

It’s interesting but changing colors all the time gets a bit tedious so I do a section and then put it aside.

I have one failed project and one unfinished project and that’s all I had to show you, so this post is really more about trying to stay in touch and not much about knitting. I’m thinking about you all the time, though, I promise!

Karen sent me this cute image. I don’t know the origins, but I can definitely identify:

Stay well and keep in touch!