I’m just flabbergasted this morning, looking at all the beautiful things you’ve made over the last several months! And there are many more that I either don’t see, can’t find my iPad to take a picture, or get an adamant No! when I ask to take a picture. But what follows (in alphabetical order) is a great sampling of the range of projects and the amazing skills you folks have. If I know the name of the pattern, I’ll link it to Ravelry in the caption.
Anne Alderman keeps herself busy, and somehow fits a bunch of knitting into her schedule too, with baby blankets, a couple of vests, and a shawl or two for good measure:

Janice Bieber does everything with style, including her knitting. Check out these two great shawls:

Paula Bub loves color. This lovely sweater in Manos Maxima is perfect for her. Love how the color jazzes up a simple design!

Deb Caltagirone is just back into knitting and took the Basic Mitts class. How sweet are these tweedy hand warmers?
Suzy Crump made this cozy ski sweater for her granddaughter Mia, then made a matching sweater for Mia’s dog!

Here is another absolutely beautiful Cranberry Gose from our fall class, knit and modeled by Janis Edwards. Every one is different and every single one has turned out perfectly!
Lorraine Houseman is a skilled and adventurous crocheter. She made this pretty lacy poncho over the summer in a beautiful turquoise shade of Noro’s Sonata and putting her own spin on things, as crocheters are wont to do:

It’s obviously a trend to make new sweaters for your dogs this year. Jack has his but it’s very sedate compared to these beauties knit by Jettie Hunt for her sweet Rummy:

Najma Iqbal is making her usual winter foray into knitting (she disappears in the summer, like Lopi sweaters and crocuses.) (Croci?) She just finished up this cute two-toned poncho:

Patty Jackson is a new grandmama and made this very cute dress from a vintage pattern

which we thought looked so tiny until her little granddaughter modeled it. Could anything be cuter than this?

Betsy Katz is a fairly new knitter and does a great job. She made Deb’s fun scarf, which teaches all kind of stitch patterns, then went on to make a couple Close To You shawls:

Mary Ellen Leidy knit this absolutely luscious scarf from Shibui Ma’ai. I love the simplicity, the color, and the sheer luxurious softness of this piece:
Sue Marshall knits socks and other small beautiful things for her whole family. This pretty sweater was a bit of a departure for her and probably not easy to fit into her busy life, but well worth the time.

Jill Pelchar’s granddaughter requested this sweater. She got just what she wanted, and doesn’t she look happy?

Lauren Turgeon knit this adorable baby sweater for some friends who were having their first. So cute!
Carol Whitcraft is a veteran knitter with amazing skills. Her little great-granddaughters get the cutest sweaters. I believe these ballerina sweaters are from an old Mary Maxim pattern.

Thanks to everyone who brings in their finished projects. I’m in awe of your great skills and the way you use colors and yarns to reflect your own personality. You probably don’t think this is anything unusual, but trust me, it’s rare and it’s special. Kudos!