Customer F/O’s

1 Posted by - September 11, 2018 - Classes, Customer FO's, Knitting

Reminder:  We’ll be closed this coming Saturday, September 15 because of Fall Festival on Penn Avenue.

Today, I’m going to show some of your finished class projects, with many thanks for those of you who bring or wear them in and grit your teeth while I take your picture, and fie on those who won’t put up with being ambushed when they walk in wearing something wonderful they’ve made!  Despite my terrible photography skills, your work deserves the spotlight!

A couple Slip Knit Love shawls are complete and very beautiful.  I hope to see a few more in the near future:

Jettie Hunt

Donna Hain

Birkin Sweaters, a challenging class that Karen taught in the late spring:

Cindy Schuchart
Lovely Job!

Jane Brubaker

Snapdragon Flip-Top Mittens:

Donna Hain
She obviously just couldn’t stop!

Devana Beaded Pulse Warmers – such a fun project in lovely 100% silk and glass beads:

Loretta Hollenbach

Deb Hawk

Susie Drake

Again, thanks to everyone who brought their projects in.  I’ll have more customer projects next time.