Crazy Day

0 Posted by - November 5, 2013 - Knitting

Lovely day.  Morning at the dentist.  Noon at the shop cleaning up after a radiator leaked in the apartment above the shop.


While I was there, I broke down Purl’s little pink playpen – remember?


– to pack it away, and started to cry, remembering how tiny she was when she first came.  Do all “parents” do this when they pack away baby things?

I panicked when October turned into November and started my brother-in-law socks with a vengeance.  I’ve been knitting on them, in Manos Alegria, on size 2.25 mm needles for several days now and have the gussets almost finished on both socks.  Then I think I need to rest my hands with something bigger before I start on the feet. (I use two long circular needles, and knit the socks separately but in steps: leg-leg, heel-heel, foot-foot, so I can match them and don’t face doing a whole other sock when I’ve finished one.  I’d never do the second one.)  The colors are dark red into coral and navy blue into teal.  The socks look like a bloody murder scene to me,


but I hope that’s only because I’ve been watching a marathon of last season’s The Killing on Netflix.  I’m glad that Mickey likes his socks a little wild.

Don’t miss these wonderful finished projects, and Jill Pelchar’s Christmas stocking.