Things I’ve managed to do in the last week:
1. Maintain a certain (perhaps not optimum) level of personal cleanliness.
2. Get to work when I needed to
3. One hour of grocery shopping
4. Two loads of laundry
5. Take Purl to the vet for her initial inspection
Things I’ve not managed to do in the last week:
1. Teach Purl to go outside
2. Teach Jackson to like this new addition
3. Any paperwork whatsoever
4. Get my taxes in order
5. Protect any belonging, furnishing, or creature from Purl’s ravages
There is one other thing I managed to do, which was to knit a tiny sweater for Purl and then make one a size bigger for when she grows out of the first one. After that, it will be warmer, she’ll be bigger, and she won’t need a sweater. Here she is in her favorite spot at home: her food dish. (She put on about half a pound in the last week, the equivalent of about 20% of her body weight.)
Meanwhile, and unbelievably, life goes on at the shop!
We got 2 new colors of Liberty Wool this month – great colors! The three balls I lined up are all the same colorway, so you can see all the shades that are in each ball:
And here is a little cardigan that Najma Iqbal made for her little granddaughter, in another shade of Liberty Wool:
Did I show you Catalpa? I finished this sweater and managed to block it before Purl came. It’s done in Berroco’s Remix, a very nice blend of completely recycled fibers, and contains no wool, for you poor people who can’t (or at least think you can’t) wear wool. It’s fun to knit, with different stitch patterns, and the pattern is free on Berroco’s website. (Sorry if I’m repeating myself – my time to write is really limited and I can’t go back through previous posts.)
Mildred Heiser made this pretty “Emelie” cardigan in heathery-blue 220 Superwash Wool. She’s still looking for the perfect buttons.
And Najma, who is in knitting mode right now, finished up her Scalene shawl, which she made quite a bit larger than was called for in the pattern. With this cold weather hanging on, I think she’s very glad of the larger size:
We received some very pretty colors of Cascade’s Ultra Pima mercerized cotton. I have it in mind to make Thea Coleman’s “Vodka Lemonade” out of one of these gorgeous shades:
When that will happen, only Purl knows. Keeping an eye on her and running outside with her at the first sign of squatting has become my new hobby. I hope it’s temporary! Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with this image of Purl asleep in her Aunt Marci’s arms. Thanks to all of you who have brought gifts – this girl has enough toys and treats to see her well into adolescence – and have held, comforted, and entertained her while I try to sell yarn. Bringing up Purl is a joint effort, except where are you all at 4 a.m.???
See you soon…